Sasha Djurkovic


agent: Moray Coulter -


Sasha is a BAFTA nominated, and a Grierson and RTS award-winning Director/Producer, making observational documentaries for almost 20 years. She has a natural instinct for a story and a sharp eye for detail, often filming with vulnerable people in very challenging situations over a long period of time.  She has an excellent track record in getting and maintaining access, both with institutions and organisations, as well as individuals. A confident and experienced self-shooter, Sasha’s camera work is , visually rich and her films have emotional depth and intimacy. 

Her latest documentary, filmed in Jordan, explores the relationship between domestic violence law and the realities for the victim. Abused: Surviving Domestic Violence in Jordan goes behind the usually closed doors where this abuse takes place. Rarely have Arab women spoken so openly about their terror and vulnerability in the face of what remains a deeply patriarchal culture and society. 

Sasha’s films have often tackled challenging subject matters: mothers with addiction issues

Addicted: Last Chance Mums, BBC1, high-security prisons Welcome to Belmarsh with Ross Kemp, child-protection social workers Protecting Our Children, drug wars in the UK, USA and Afghanistan Our Drugs War, and life and death at a neurosurgery ward Brain Doctors, amongst others.

Her work has also explored more light-hearted topics, such as the experience of growing up in remote parts of Scotland (My New Best Friend, BBC Four), a behind-the-scenes look inside a world-famous department store (Liberty of London, Channel 4) and a woman balancing detective work with motherhood (Married to the Job, ITV).

 Alongside this work, Sasha made her own independent film, Playing the Fool, shot over 3 years in a mental health hospital, which premiered at HotDocs in Toronto in 2012.

See Sasha's own website here


  • Grierson and RTS Award 2013 for Best Series Protecting Our Children

  • Jerwood First Cuts Documentary Award for Last Men Standing at the Sheffield International Documentary Festival 2005


  • BAFTA Arts and Crafts 2012 Protecting Our Children

  • Grierson New Comer Award 2005 Last Men Standing

  • Broadcast Best Series Awards 2010 Hospital

  • Broadcast Best Series Awards 2011 Our Drugs War