Thomas Viner


agent: Moray Coulter -


Thomas has a 25 year background in factual television, focusing primarily on US and international as well as UK markets, covering specialist factual, documentary, drama doc, natural history and formats. In that time he has executive and series produced over 200 hours of television. He works hands-on at every stage of the process, from ideas generation, preparing decks and sizzles, and pitching, to building teams, defining narrative and style, and ensuring edits deliver.

As an executive and creative director, Thomas has made everything, from returnable series to super-premium specials. At various times, he has had the highest-ever rated broadcast on 3 different networks. His background as a director gives him a strong vision across story-telling and visual and technical innovation. He has a proven ability to problem solve successfully at every stage of production.

Thomas’ own commissions at Pioneer Productions include In The Womb (Nat Geo Premium), Undercover Mother (Hulu), American Eclipse, Secrets of Christ’s Tomb, Nocturnal Britain, Superstructures: Engineering Marvels, Planes Gone Viral, Moon Landing, Superfactories & Ancient Astronomers, all of which he hands-on executive produced.